We knows that both Turmeric and Black Pepper carries several...
ジャムウは、ジャワのマタラム王国の初期の時代から 1,300 年以上にわたってジャワ人があらゆる年齢の男性と女性の毎日のサプリメントとして消費してきた伝統的なハーブドリンクです。. 伝統的に、ジャムウは体の解毒、若返り、そして多くの病気の治療に使用されてきました。.
当社の ジャム クレイトン の主要成分は、クルクマロンガ (ターメリック)、レッドジンジャー、ブラックペッパー、ハチミツ、マンゴー、パームネクター、タマリンド、シノム、アカシア繊維、ヨウ素添加塩などのハーブベースの製品です。. これらの成分は何世代にもわたって効果的に使用され、最高クラスのジャムウ品質を提供しています。. 免疫増強剤、抗炎症剤、抗酸化剤、抗がん剤、その他の医学的利点としてのこれらの成分の有効性について、世界中のさまざまな医学雑誌に無数の医学論文が掲載されています。
Waalaikumussalam. I am known as a person who dislikes Jamu, perhaps due to my past bad experience tasting it.....until recently after I tasted Jamu Kraton, for someone who never likes and will never likes Jamu, I changed my mind...the taste is not bad at all...the taste is just different, nice with mild sweetness...will definitely order again.…thanks. Plus I don't have the hunger feeling in the evening anymore. Will definitely recommend to my friends
Hi SiS. Alhamdulillah this Jamu tastes good. My irregular period returned normal with smooth flow. One more thing, my appetite to over eating is now better control after consuming this Jamu. I really love it.
Waalaikumsalam. It tastes good and not difficult to swallow. More like herbalised fruit juice. My body feels fresh and I don't feel sleepy anymore in the afternoon. My appetite slows down and I hope it can help to reduce my weight. Its a good product with SIRIM endorsement.
こんにちは。3回繰り返し注文しました。味がとても気に入っています。おいしいです。! 健康で若返った気がします.
一般的にジャムウクラトンは美味しくて栄養価が高いと思います. より元気になり、特に午後遅くの倦怠感がなくなりました。. 血行が良くなったみたいで性欲も良くなりました. 味については、まったく苦くないことに非常に驚きました...ターメリックや生姜の辛味さえありません. 「アサムボーイ」とマンゴーがミックスされたような濃厚な果汁感がなかなかいいですね. このハーブドリンクが好きです!
Waalaikumsalam .. thanks to the founders for producing such a a nice Jamu. Alhamdulillah .. since consuming Jamu Kraton, my body feel energised and light...previously I was always lethargic. My stomach no longer bloated...also it tastes good with no bitterness, makes me want to drink more. I will continue consuming this Jamu as energy booster and keeping me healthy and forever young InshaAllah. Next I want to encourage my husband to consume this Jamu.
Its expensive but its worth it! I already consumed for two weeks and my body feels light and energetic, plus my regular constipation is gone. A few days ago I had bloated stomach, so I consumed Kraton....Alhamdulillah my stomach is now ok.
This high class Jamu is consistent with its royal name Kraton. Looks very premium. The tastes is just like the original Jamu, but nicer with mango juice. I love it.
Hi... This is my 1st time drinking Jamu kraton, it's delicious, with nice taste. My body feels refreshed the next morning. InshaAllah I want to keep it up as routine consumption.
Wassalam. Alhamdullilah I feels fresh and energetic after taking Jamu Kraton. It tastes so good. InshalAllah, there will be repeat order. Thanks Kraton!
Drinking Jamu – The Forgotten Culture
My Mom Drinking Jamu Approximately fifty years ago, I still...
Jamu Kraton Asli
Entropy Energy Sdn Bhd (Entropy), a locally incorporated Malaysia based...