• 健康


Black Pepper & Turmeric Benefits


We knows that both Turmeric and Black Pepper carries several medical benefits such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-arthritis, and many others.  This is mostly attributed by the compounds of curcumin and piperine that are formed in turmeric and black pepper.

Keajaiban Kunyit Dan Lada Hitam


ターメリックには生物活性化合物であるクルクミノイドが含まれており、クルクミンはこれらのクルクミノイド化合物の1つです. 研究によると、クルクミンは酸化および炎症状態、メタボリックシンドローム、関節炎、不安、高脂血症の管理に役立つ可能性があります。. また、運動誘発性の炎症や筋肉痛の管理にも役立ち、活動的な人の回復とその後のパフォーマンスを向上させる可能性があります。.

ピペリンは黒コショウの辛味の原因となるアルカロイドです. ピペリンには多くの薬理効果といくつかの健康上の利点があり、特に慢性疾患に対して、インスリン抵抗性の軽減、抗炎症効果、脂肪肝の改善などがあります。.

Entropy では、Kraton Asli jamu 調合品にターメリックの成分と黒コショウを意図的に組み合わせています。. このようなことが行われるのには、科学的研究に裏付けられたいくつかの正当な理由があります。. 以下に概説する理由は、これら 2 つの成分を摂取する前に組み合わせる必要がある理由をよく理解するのに役立ちます。.

 1. ピペリンはクルクミンの吸収を 2000% 増加させます

Although the curcumin found in turmeric has several powerful health benefits, it isn’t able to absorb into your bloodstream very well. Your body will start to phase it out of your system before you can get the full benefits of this supplement if you try to ingest it on its own.

This is where black pepper comes in. It is easily absorbed by your body, and it creates a buffer that stops your body from breaking down the curcumin as quickly as it does. (1) It also helps your body absorb more of the curcumin and turmeric, and studies show that it can actually increase the absorption levels by 2,000%. (2) There are two main theories about how this works.

  • ピペリンには鎮静作用と筋弛緩作用があり、これは腸の筋肉にまで及びます。. (3) 筋肉が弛緩するので、より大きなクルクミン分子が体内に通過できるようになります。. 腸壁を通過すると、体が栄養素を吸収するのに時間がかかる可能性があります.
  • 肝臓は、食べた食べ物や体内で起こるさまざまなプロセスから毒素や残留物を体から除去するために懸命に働く臓器です。. 残念ながら、クルクミンを使用するとこのプロセスがあまりにも早く始まる可能性があります. ピペリンはこのプロセスを遅くし、体がクルクミンを吸収する時間を増やすことができます。. (4)

2. この組み合わせは医薬品の抗炎症薬に匹敵します

Although both turmeric and black pepper have powerful properties on their own, combining them may actually enhance these properties, so they’re on par with common anti-inflammatory drugs. This allows you to get all of the benefits of the drugs without having to worry about the side effects.

The piperine can reduce the amount of pain and inflammation that comes with arthritis. However, the curcumin found in turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that may prevent arthritis from forming in the first place. (5) So, when you combine these two supplements, you could potentially get an arthritis treatment that is as effective as traditional over the counter medications.

3. この組み合わせはがんとの戦いに新たな選択肢を提供します

Combining turmeric and black pepper has several anti-cancer properties. Studies showed that this combination interrupted the self-renewal and growth process of breast cancer cells. (6) Additionally, curcumin and piperine work to kill cancer cells for various types of cancer including colorectal, breast, prostate, pancreatic and leukaemia. (7)

Other studies showed that combining turmeric and black pepper extracts can help to protect your healthy tissue and cells from damage due to radiation and other cancer treatments. (8) In turn, this can reduce your healing time and complication risk.

4. この組み合わせは糖尿病用医薬品に匹敵します

In 2009, 生化学および生物物理学の研究コミュニケーション published a study that found that curcumin can be up to 400 times more potent than the leading diabetes drug metformin when it comes to activating the AMPK enzyme. (9) Other research showed that when you combine turmeric and black pepper extracts, they work in tandem as antiglycation agents. (10) This means that the combination of these two supplements can help you improve your overall glucose control.

5. ターメリックとブラックペッパーの組み合わせは肝臓の健康を促進します

Your liver plays a vital role in your body. (11) It helps to filter out all of the toxins, and it stimulates your cells to produce more enzymes. Turmeric is an excellent supplement for liver detoxification. It increases the overall bile production and lowers cholesterol levels so your liver can work at a peak function. (12)

Piperine increases the absorption level of nutrients in your body, and this includes your liver. When you combine the two, it helps turmeric increase the absorption levels of glutathione while shielding the liver from toxin damage. (13) Glutathione adds another layer of protection because it protects your liver at a cellular level.


Black pepper is what activates turmeric, but there is a lot of conflicting information available on what the best ratio of turmeric to black pepper is. It depends heavily on what your motivation is for taking the supplements in the first place. However, a good rule of thumb is generally 1/4 of a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper to 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. This works out to roughly 1:4 for a ratio. This ratio will vary depending on the freshness of your ingredients and what you want to use them for. However, the 1:4 ratio is a good starting point and baseline.


This ratio is slightly more complex because only a certain percentage of turmeric and black pepper contains curcumin and piperine. To add to the complexity, the ratio differs from spice to spice and what benefits you’re trying to get from it.

For example, the average curcumin content in turmeric ranges between 4% and 7%, and the piperine content in black pepper ranges between 2% and 7%. (14) (15) However, a good baseline ratio of curcumin to piperine is 100:1. This works out to around 1.5 teaspoons of black pepper powder to half of a cup of turmeric. You may want to start smaller and work your way up to larger doses.


By now, you should have a good understanding of turmeric and black pepper. Our overview of what they are and their important active ingredients along with our science-backed benefits should give you all of the knowledge you need to decide if these supplements are a good choice for your lifestyle.

 内容の抜粋: 2018 年 9 月 15 日に「ハッピーマンモス ブログ」によって最初に公開され、2022 年 5 月 13 日に更新されました (https://happymammoth.com/blogs/happy-blog/turmeric-and-black-pepper)

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